World Destruction Episode One

The furries will be happy, even if no one else is.

That’s a bit misleading, ’cause this wasn’t all that bad.

World Destruction starts off with a little intro informing us that this planet is run by the beasts, with people as the underclasses. In a restaurant, a new waiter gets yelled at for looking at the wanted sign for Morte something-something instead of serving the customers. Off in another place, a teddy bear sits at a bar and talks about heroes, before a little boy walks up to him. Teddy bear is a private detective, and the kid wants his sister saved from being sacrificed.

Back in the restaurant, a customer is annoy because her order is wrong. But the World Preservation Committee comes along and storms the restaurant, and she busts out a big-ass sword – OMG, it’s Morte! She takes the waiter, Kyrie, as a hostage, but when his fake ears fall off (he’s been passing as a beat himself), no one gives a crap about him any more, and the two must escape in a hail of gunfire.

In a nearby ridiculous castle, a bunch of cats are freaking out because their god is angry and wants a new sacrifice. In the woods, Morte and Kyrie run into the would-be sacrifice, Rinan. Her village people show up and offer Morte and Kyrie a place to stay. Kyrie eagerly eats all their food, but Morte isn’t stupid, so she doesn’t. The villagers are shown to have bad intentions, as they are planning to replace Rinan with Morte as the sacrifice. But Morte is gone when they get there, so they must disguise Kyrie as a girl.

Morte runs into Rinan back in the woods, who tells her that the village people are going to sacrifice Kyrie in her place. So Morte goes back to save him, while the cat things do a dumb dance around a hole in the ground. Kyrie has fake boobs, and wakes up when the god-creature-thing drools in his mouth. He freaks out, Morte comes to save the day, and the teddy bear also shows up to kick ass.

There’s some back and forth, blah blah, the main cat gets eaten at some point, but Morte and Kyrie escape, Rinan and her little brother thank Morte, and then Morte steals the teddy bear’s boat. He tries to threaten them, but Morte points out that he is now ID’d with the ‘World Destruction Committee’. And away they go.


While nothing new, this was pretty decent. Some of the beast-people look ridiculous (the cats especially), but that will hopefully improve. Morte is pretty cool even if no one else is so far. I’m pretty sure that Morte is being voiced by Fumie Mizusawa, who did Juliet in Romeo x Juliet, but I don’t know exactly because I haven’t been able to find a cast list in English. At the least, this has potential in the plot, so I’ll knock on wood and watch the next episode. Don’t expect me to blog this, though, because its perfect as summertime entertainment (brainless), but I felt the same sorta way about Neo Angelique Abyss, and that got really painful to blog after a while (I never said it, but I did drop it).

Oh, and, no, I couldn’t find any screencaps.

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4 Responses to World Destruction Episode One

  1. issa-sa says:

    Morte is Sakamoto Maaya methinks (Haruhi from Ouran, though she’s more famous for her awesome singing than anything). I think the part I liked ebst in this episode was the cat getting eaten alive XD

  2. blissmo says:

    Is it obvious that the red-head is going to end up with blonde guy?

  3. itsina says:

    Why does Miyano Mamoru always get the role of the idiot? xD

    As for the series overall, I thought it was strange, but bearable.

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