I Learned My Japanese from Hentai

Mildly provocative title, get!

How did that sentence convention start, by the way? Was it because of Clannad’s Fuuko (starfish, get!)? Or did it pre-exist that?

Anyway, 2DT recently did a post about learning Japanese from anime, or, rather, attempting to broaden his Japanese language skills by watching anime raw. He goes more in-depth into his plan, so if you want to read more, you should really check it out. I personally question the efficacy of utilizing anime as a language learning tool, but that’s not quite relevant.

After I read the post, I thought about the fact that Chi’s Sweet Home remains the only show I can watch raw. I did at one point try to watch Mouryou no Hako raw, as the subs stalled for a very long time on it… but the results were predictably ugly. Mouryou no Hako just doesn’t really work well as an entry-point for those of us with low language comprehension skills; many of the terms it tosses around are obscure, and often the dialogue exchange has no visual cues – its very rare that we see any indication visually of what they are talking about.

But wait! There is something I often watch raw! Hentai!

Ok, look – is there really a reason to bother waiting for hentai to get subbed? Nine times out of ten, it doesn’t make any difference anyway! What, you absolutely need to know if she’s saying “I want your penis in me.” or “Fill me with your juices!”? They’re going to have sex on-screen either way!

Anyway, clearly this has given me quite the Japanese education. For instance, I now know what to say to someone to ensure that I’ll never get laid in a million years. I also know how to instantly turn someone off. And I know how to warn others in Japanese when there are tentacles afoot. And, even better, I can now tell someone that I would really enjoy an orgy with them and their four closest friends!

Oh, duh, and how could I forget? Hentai has even taught me the appropriate things to say when I get caught masturbating with a cell-phone! Thank you, hentai! You’ve made my Japanese language skills so much better!

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10 Responses to I Learned My Japanese from Hentai

  1. Baka-Raptor says:

    And I’m the one accused of having a porn site…

    I attempted watching Umasou raw. After a minute of the first episode I gave up trying to distinguish onomatopoeia from real words. Did I mention how great You Are Umasou is? I wasn’t sure if you got it from your previous comment, but you need to watch in chunks of five. Five episodes = one complete story.

    • adaywithoutme says:

      Accused of having a porn site? After all those shameless pictures from your Highschool of the Dead post, how could you possibly not be considered a porn purveyor?

      Like I said in a previous response to you, I’ve started watching it. I love the onomatopoeia of it, since a lot of them are ones I’d definitely never heard before. Fuwa fuwa is still my favorite, though.

  2. VucubCaquix says:

    Kore wa post ga kimochiiiiii~

  3. 2DT says:

    Thanks to this post, I just looked up how to say “get pregnant” in Japanese. Because it’s hardly sensible to have gone this long and not known how to say something like that. 🙂

    (Even though in reality, “I’M GONNA HAVE A BABY” would be the very last thing I think I’d want to hear in the heat of the moment.)

    • adaywithoutme says:

      Actually, I’m reasonably sure that there are at least a few pregnancy fetish hentai out there. But, hey, that’d fit in with the whole general thing that quoting anything from hentai would basically guarantee that your downstairs would wither up and die from lack of attention.

  4. Shance says:

    How about visual novels? Was there an instance where you learned Japanese on other pornographic material aside from hentai, too?

    • adaywithoutme says:

      Naw, I’ve only played a visual novel once, and it kept freezing up about five minutes in. Bummer. I also tried playing Kanon, but it just wouldn’t run. One of these days I’ll probably buy one of the translated BL games, though.

  5. Tsubasa says:

    I might be wrong, but I think it’s from the engrish track titles in game soundtracks. “Small item get” in Zelda games, and so on.

    • adaywithoutme says:

      Oh, thanks. I was thinking about it, and I’m pretty sure that Fuuko’s “Starfish, get!” was a memetic mutation anyway.

  6. amira says:

    I love you

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