Meganebu! at a Glance


meganebu ep 1

Does this count as a fourth wall breaking moment?

I keep meaning to write this post but I keep putting off since, well, Meganebu! was just flat-out bad. I was expecting something more in the tone/spirit of Miracle Train, which was a pretty goofy show that wasn’t particularly “good” yet succeeded as light fare for an afternoon, but I found the first episode of Meganebu! a complete and utter snoozefest. Oh, an episode entirely focused around some high school boys trying to see a woman naked? Wow, now that’s some original comedy there!

Its really too bad, because director Soubi Yamamoto manages to make what is apparently a microscopic budget work pretty darn well insofar as animation is concerned. The color palette may be reminiscent of the live-action Speed Racer movie, but clever tricks abound to cut down on costs that nevertheless leave us with a show that is at least interesting to look at even if it is unengaging otherwise. Its also too bad since Yamamoto’s pair of Kono Danshi OAVs (which, like Makoto Shinkai with his work, she did all the production for) are charming anime that, while not terribly substantial, are certainly not boring.

So, would I call this one my biggest disappointment of the season? Absolutely. I managed to watch the second episode of Golden Time, but I certainly won’t even be doing that much here.

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