Birdy the Mighty Decode Episode 2

More like Birdy the AWESOME Decode.

As it is still too hot for my poor laptop, I will be doing this summary bullet-point style like I did with the last Nabari no Ou summary.

  • so, two guys traveling in a van with the Ryunka, on their way to deliver it to Geega
  • meanwhile, in another car, Kawasugi and her chaffeur are talking about school the next day
  • the guys in the van fall asleep, and ram into Kawasugi’s car; sirens blare as an unidentified woman who looks similar to Birdy looks on, and comments that the Ryunka might find a host
  • elsewhere, Birdy is chasing down Geega with Tute’s help, and Tsutomu is freaking out as she runs along, not understanding what is going on at all
  • Birdy has to deal with Tsutomu since he won’t shut up – Tute, Birdy, and Birdy’s commander all explain that Tsutomu’s body has been sent to be repaired on another planet, and that for the time being, he will be basically leeching off of Birdy
  • Tsutomu gets mad at Birdy for killing him, but she tells him it’s his own fault, and that it is also his fault that she’s lost track of Geega again
  • after Tsutomu is returned to his bedroom, Tute apologizes for the whole thing and tells him that, if he ever needs anything, he can just call for him
  • walking to school the next day, Tsutomu talks out loud to Birdy, making people stare, and demands to know why they can’t just converse telepathically; Birdy tells him that to do so would meld their minds together
  • Hayamiya whacks Tsutomu on the back cheerfully, and a classmate runs up to tell them that Kawasugi is in the hospital
  • in the classroom at lunch, Hayamiya and another girl are bummed about Kawasugi; Hayamiya gets angry at Tsutomu over a misunderstanding, as Tsutomu is still mulling over the fact that he has been, basically, killed
  • another classmate quells the argument by suggesting that they all go visit Hayamiya later in the day
  • at the hospital, a doctor tells Kawasugi’s father that she is in very bad shape and might die
  • in a hotel, Geega and his partner Bacillus are trying to figure out what to do since the Ryunka has disappeared; Bacillus thinks Birdy took it since he could smell an Altarian at the scene, and begs Geega to let him go get Birdy, which Geega agrees to
  • elsewhere, Birdy’s land-lady/agent arranges for her to play a small role in a TV drama; the journalist from the prior episode is eavesdropping on the whole thing
  • at the hospital, Hayamiya is mad because Tsutomu seems to have ditched them
  • it isn’t Tsutomu’s fault, though, as Birdy has her TV role to fulfill as Shion Arita
  • the studio, though, is completely empty, and Bacillus attacks from behind, blasting Tute’s false body to bits
  • Birdy and Bacillus fight, with Bacillus repeatedly insisting that he is going to eat her
  • while they fight, the journalist snaps away with his camera, and we learn that he believes Birdy to be Shion
  • Bacillus’ body starts falling apart, and he is forced to retreat
  • Birdy tries to follow, but Tsutomu insists on rescuing the journalist, who has been trapped under a falling beam
  • Birdy saves the guy, but stomps on his camera when she sees the pictures, and Tsutomu says that the man is Keisuke Muroto, a guy who is a part-time journalist and also works at his school
  • back at the hotel, Bacillus consumes Geega, fusing with him because both his hunger and falling apart body are too much for him to handle
  • at school the next day, Hayamiya is angry at Tsutomu for not showing up, but then forgets her anger when Kawasugi steps out of her limo, apparently fine
  • Birdy points out to Tsutomu that they might as well get along, as they are stuck together for a while
  • mysterious, yet-to-be-named girl looks on mysteriously


While not as awesome as the first episode, this was still really good. I’m so happy to see this faring so well in its updated form.

I figure that, whatever the Ryunka is, it seems to have latched on to Kawasugi, given her miraculous recovery. I’m sure we’ll learn more about that fairly soon.

I really love the way Shion speaks – she enunciates every syllable so much; I really can’t think of any other anime character who enunciates to that extent. For example, while most would say ‘dess’ for ‘desu’, she says it like it is written. It sticks in one’s mind. Also, Shion was really cute in the kimono for the TV drama.

Oh, and Shion’s land-lady/agent? Is anyone else reminded of the Witch of the Waste from Howl’s Moving Castle? Because the two look very similar.

Birdy continues to just be flat-out badass. Maybe I’ll have to go cosplay as her. Or at least buy a figure of her – and to think, I was just considering dumping my wallet out for a Tsukimiya Ayu figure!

As for Tsutomu, his flipping out wasn’t really that over-the-top as a few people seem to think. I’m fairly certain that that is how most would behave in that situation, and those who wouldn’t would simply go semi-catatonic. His reactions have been quite realistic, and I would’ve been annoyed had he been enthused about the whole thing – would you be if someone showed you your destroyed body? I think not.

Also, really small bit, but I found it curious that one of Tsutomu’s classmates referred to one of his friends as ‘Ryo-chan’, although Ryo is a guy. Not that it means much, just curious is all.

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2 Responses to Birdy the Mighty Decode Episode 2

  1. Hynavian says:

    I enjoyed episode 2! It’s a pity that the badie got away in the end. With this we’re assured of more episodes to come! hehe XD

  2. omisyth says:

    >>Also, really small bit, but I found it curious that one of Tsutomu’s classmates referred to one of his friends as ‘Ryo-chan’, although Ryo is a guy. Not that it means much, just curious is all.

    It means he’s GAY lol.
    Still waiting for the subs so I can continue blogging this ;_;.
    Need more AWESOME the AWESOME Decode. Of AWESOME.

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