Vampire Knight (is) Guilty (of being softcore porn)

Have you seen the trailer for Vampire Knight Guilty? Can anyone say softcore porn?

Seriously, ch-check it out:

Did you see all that mad biting action? Man, I don’t think hentai heroines blush as much while panting as Yuuki will in this upcoming season. I haven’t read beyond what is domestically released for Vampire Knight, so I really have no idea what is coming next (ok, I know some things…), but I was still anticipating having issues with the new season… even though I know that, in the near future, the manga goes batshit and belly-up.

Anyway, now that I’ve seen all this bloodsucking, I’m actually looking forward to the new season. Damn, makes me wish vampires were real just so I could get my blood sucked, since they make it look so sexy – why have sex when you can have vampires sucking your blood? This seems to be the central question that Vampire Knight Guilty will address. It will also answer the question of: if you find out that the guy you have a crush on is your brother, do you still want to bang him anyway?

So, Yuki basically gets her neck chewed up by everyone going. Zero angsts some more, maybe has some more borderline BL moments with his brother if we’re lucky (and, hey, Hino Matsuri gives a thumbs-up to siscon, so why not throw in some twincest?) (please, please, lord, answer my BL twincest prayers) (hi, I’m going to hell).

By the way, have Yuki’s eyes grown or something? They look like dinnerplates.

Vampire Knight’s ‘themes’ as described by ANN: “Bishounen, Girls with guns, Gothic Lolita, Male harem, Vampires”. This is reduced to “Bishounen, Bishoujo, Vampires” for the second season, although someone might want to add “bloodsucking as softcore pr0n” to that.

I think I might blog this after all so I can bitch about something every week – that’ll be fun.

By the by, despite my claims of hoping for twincest action, I do hope Yuki ends up with Zero in the end. I know this’ll raise the ire of some who see Zero as, well, a jerk, but Zero views Yuki as a person, while Kaname seems to regard her as more of a doll – watch how he’s always trying to stop her from doing things, and the way he orchestrates stuff behind the scenes for her benefit, and tries to keep her in the dark about everything that is going on. Smells like a control-freak. That Zero comes across as a lot less emo in the manga helps his case. But Kaname is a creep in both incarnations.

Here’s hoping Takuma gets together with Shiki, given some scenes in the first half of the manga… but I think, unfortunately, Shiki will be paired with Rima. Too bad.

On an unrelated note, Depth and I are back at school and all moved in – we managed to not get turned into the Deliverance sequel after all. It is pouring out and very humid, so… well, I guess that doesn’t mean anything at all, except that I’m sweating my nonexistent balls off.

So, upsides to Vampire Knight Guilty: sexy bloodsucking scenes, the OP and ED clips in the promo sounds pretty good, there’s a chance of questionable scenes involving Zero and his twin, and uhh… um… sexy blood-sucking scenes. Sign me up.

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10 Responses to Vampire Knight (is) Guilty (of being softcore porn)

  1. biankita says:

    i’m actually not picking up the second season because i hated the first season. i’m only gonna look out for the shiki episode then it’s bye-bye VK.

  2. Dorne says:

    I don’t see it (The image, I mean).

  3. Vampirism’s long been used to stand in for sex. It combines penetration and suction, after all.

  4. adaywithoutme says:

    @ biankita – I did not hate the first season, but there were a LOT of things which irked me about it.

    @ Dorne – It’s supposed to be the promo video, but it didn’t embed correctly =/ I’m working on it

    @ The Animanachronism – Oh, of that I am well aware – Anne Rice would never have touched it otherwise =) Vampirism being portrayed in such a sensual manner, though, is a bit amusing to see in something that is so ostensibly shoujo, though, as opposed to seeing it in something like a josei or BL title.

  5. tigerlily says:

    well they forgot to metion in that descrition siscon, and incest and surplus emoness, no thanks i down right regrett had seen the first season and most of all the @#$$ manga but hey sex and a thin plot sells right?, works fine for the dudes i guess it works for the girls too -_-“.

  6. Yamcha says:

    When talking about vampires, it’s funny to mentally replace all instances of the word ‘blood’ with ‘dick’. Hooray immaturity. I never really got the appeal of vampires. It must be a chick thing with all this Twilight/Anne Rice/Vampire Knight/Low fat yogurt stuff.

    Lycanthropes > Vampires

  7. adaywithoutme says:

    @ tigerlily – But the worst part is SPOILER ALERT that it isn’t even real siscon – I’m always seriously disappointed when the manga-ka goes with sibcon but then chickens out completely. Lame.

    As for sex and a thin plot working for girls in addition to guys… hell, yeah, why do you think I watched Junjou Romantica?

    @ Yamcha – Well, I think it might have to do with the act of piercing in vampirism, in that that would be closer to what females are looking for in the act of sex than what males would be looking for (and I say ‘in general’ as I am ignoring the existence of homosexuals, as homosexuals are estimated to make up about 10% of the population, thus not falling under the phrase ‘in general’). Also, females tend to be more into yaoi than are males (again excluding homosexual males [sorry guys]), and, hey, let’s be honest, vampirism tends to have a homoerotic subtext, too… it is probably the only reason I read Interview with the Vampire, which, honestly, was utter crap, but was also utterly entertaining crap.

  8. Yamcha says:

    All that biting, sucking, and stake driving gets the imagination going.

  9. Chere says:

    lol, well you suggesting it as soft porn…kinda makes me feel guilty. I dont want to be known by my friends as the girl who introduces soft porn vampire anime XD, well now i know what im trying to get eveyone to watch…geee thanks lol and the whole putting dick instead of blood thing in your head…that was comedic 😛

  10. Crystal says:

    vampire knight is cool i hope there a sesson 3 coming out! XD i cant wait

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