Uta no Prince-sama – MAJI LOVE 2000% Episode One

prince sama 2000% ep 1

That was so beautiful, I am CRYING

Oh, Prince-sama! Beautiful, glorious Prince-sama! You are back, and you really are twice as awesome as I recall! From the opening concert scene that almost gave me an aneurysm, to the lots o’ naked ending sequence, and all of the glorious cheese and re-introductions in between, SHINING SAOTOME twirling on streamers and hiding in the rafters, OH, DARLING!

The general premise this time around is that our cast has graduated and is now in the “Master Course”, a quasi-training setting where graduates of Saotome Academy can break out into the world of idols but also have support for their further development, and, presumably, so they don’t just fall flat on their faces. So, here we are, episode one of the new season, and while, yes, so much was awesome, things did proceed generally as expected – the first episode re-introduces everyone by way of Haruka running into every member of the cast one way or another; even the pseudo-Arabian cat prince gets in on the action, as we see him early on chilling, shirtless, in a tree, before Haruka happens upon him in the moonlight toward the end of the episode. Speaking of pseudo-Arabian cat prince, I’m guessing he gets a slightly larger role this season based on his early appearance here as well as the fact that he figures in the concert scene OP (which I suspect will flip-flop with what was the ED this week, as this was what happened last season) this time around.

We also are introduced to would-be rivals, a four-person as-yet-nameless boy band, comprised of Reiji Kotobuki, Ai Mikaze, Ranmaru Kurosaki, and Camus, although Camus has only appeared and hasn’t even had his name given to us yet in-show. Surprise, surprise, of the three who are named, two of them are assholes (Ai and Ranmaru) who want nothing to do with our boys, even though they’ve been explicitly assigned to them as mentors. My assumption is that all will become haremettes of Haruka’s soon enough, though, and will lighten up a touch, while also proving themselves perfectly suited as BL fodder – everyone wins!

Speaking of BL, just a recap of all ships I support for this show (and, yes, some of them do conflict with one another… I’m ok with it, bros, so you’ll have to be, too):

  • Haruka x Tomochika
  • Haruka x Ittoki
  • Haruka x Ichinose
  • Jinguuji x Hijirikawa
  • Shinomiya x Shou
  • Ringo-sensei x Hyuuga-sensei
  • Shou x Hyuuga-sensei

Haven’t had enough time yet to decide on ships involving the newer guys… but, bros, time is on my side! Also, EWWW I KNOW HET SHIPS WHAAAT?

In case you couldn’t tell, by the way, I will be blogging this. I may end up regretting this decision, but I commit myself fully, wholly, here, right now, to blogging this from start to finish! It may take me longer than it should, but I will, that is my promise to you! In fact, I am so dedicated that I’m actually making an effort to remember the actual names of characters, and not just the nicknames I gave them last time.

In closing, I just wish to note that while the song is no MAJI LOVE 1000%, the concert sequence is even more wonderful than the one that accompanied MAJI LOVE 1000% last season. It has 100% more spinal column-defying hip shakes, the costumes are stupendous, there are BUTTS, and someone in the choreography department apparently said, “Hmmm, BL? The girls like that these days, right? We need some more homoeroticism here!” and, well, voila. So, basically, even if you aren’t going to watch this show, you should at least watch the concert sequence.


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6 Responses to Uta no Prince-sama – MAJI LOVE 2000% Episode One

  1. Caraniel says:

    This show is the best early birthday present ever! That concert scene! SHINING SAOTOME~! Ringo-sensei’s butterfly dress! New bishies/rivals/mentors! ALL THE BL FODDER I COULD POSSIBLY WISH FOR! This show is perfection ❤

    • A Day Without Me says:

      And the rival’s song is great! Even if they themselves are mostly lame as hell.

      I want an OVA that is Ringo-sensei going out on a date with Ryuuga-sensei~~~~~

  2. Pingback: It Should Be a Crime to Be This Sinfully Dull: A Crime Edge Post | Standing On My Neck

  3. All of your ships. Let me fondle them discretely.

    Have you played UtaPri All stars yet? Dude play it. You will flip all your shit at all this mega-tsundereness and arseholery. It’s good though. Like I’m half-way through and I want to punch rockets at everyones kneecaps but it’s good.

    I can’t wait to read your reviews for this season god blessss (╯;▽;)╯︵ ┻━┻

    • A Day Without Me says:

      I haven’t actually played the games – its one of those things I mean to do, but then don’t get to >_> I wish they’d release them in N. America like that did with Hakuouki! I would definitely cough up the cash for a PSP if they did that.

      Is it bad that I’m already wondering if we’ll get a third season?

      • I feel you. I haven’t even gone through most of the other utapri games but with my unreserved camus bias I just jumped on that thing like there was no tomorrow. If they did manage to port and translate the games I would die. Not even joking. I would buy a thousand copies. Ugh, do it Aksys ;___; or anyonnnne.

        It is totally not a bad thing that you’re wondering that and I’m right on the benches with you on that. Hopefully released/announced sooner rather than later.

        For now lets just melt at and enjoy this season w(;▽;)w

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